You Have Just Successfully
Sent Your Parts Inquiry to
Moped WorldŽ

Now that we have received your request, we will
immediately begin to search for your parts. If
you do not receive a response within 48 hours-
it could mean one of the following:

1. You did not fill in every single blank on the Parts Inquiry Form.
2. You did not use a valid or complete e-mail address.
3. You did not include the @ symbol or the or
4. We were closed at the time or simply did not have your parts in stock.
5. Please read number 1 again.

If we don't have your parts in stock, don't worry,
because we will file your inquiry. If, and when we
do ever get your parts in- we will contact you!
We occasionally buy out other companies' old
inventory- so don't lose faith.

Thank You For Your Inquiry
and Have a Great Day!

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